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British Army Manuals (1914-18) British Army Manuals, Text Books and Handbooks (1914-1918)   82 Books
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Richard Vincent Sutton: A Record of His Life Together with Extracts from His Private Papers. 1st Ed., [ii]+195pp., 290x217mm, portrait frontis., 3 other portraits, 2 further plates (one of HQ Staff, 4th Army, 1917, all subjects identified), several small sketches and diagrams. Printed [for private circulation] by George W. Jones, Gough Square, Fleet Street. 1922  #66399
[HLMainPic] A fine & rare memorial volume. Sir Richard Vincent Sutton, sixth Baronet of Norwood Park, county Nottingham, and Benham Valence, Berkshire, "Dick," was born in 1891 and Ed. at Eton. Failing to gain entry to Oxford University he was granted a commission in the 1st Life Guards in 1910, doing duty in London and Windsor when not shooting on his estate or travelling in europe. He served abroad with the Life Guards in October 1914, when after three weeks in Flanders, he was slightly wounded near Zandvoorde on the 25th. This first period of active service is described in lengthy daily diary entries. Sutton returned to his regiment in March 1915 and was wounded again on 13th May near Hooge. Out again in August and joined IV Corps Staff for several months then 4th Army Staff, where he remained for twenty-five months as ADC to Sir Henry Rawlinson, including the planning and execution of the Battle of the Somme. In September 1917 he was then reclaimed by his regiment as Adjutant, then served with the Guards Machine Gun Regiment in 1918. Surviving to the end, he was struck down by influenza after the armistice and died in Base Hospital at Wimereux on 29th November 1918. He was buried in the Terlincthun British Military Cemetery, was twenty-seven years old and held the Military Cross. This lavish memoir includes lengthy extracts from his letters to family and friends throughout his service on the Western Front. Blue/grey paper covered boards with wheat cloth backstrip with paper label, VG.. See illustrations on our website.   £350
Memoranda on Medical Diseases in the Tropical & Sub-Tropical War Areas. 1919. 1st Ed., orig. grey printed wraps., 280pp., plates & sketches. HMSO. 1919  #63630
[HLMainPic] A complete re-working of its predecessor (Memoranda on Some Medical Diseases in the Mediterranean War Area): "...contains fourteen new sections... The old sections have been fully revised, brought up to date &, in some instances, considerably extended. New illustrations have been added & an index supplied." Covers several dozen unpleasant topics, from Ankylostomiasis to Undulant Fever. Orig. grey printed wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £50
Infantry Training. (4-Company Organization). 1914. xvii+265pp., 12mo, 18 plates. HMSO. 1914. 1914  #64018
[HLMainPic] Orig. maroon canvas covd. boards, somewhat serviceworn, VG, with contemp. ownership inscrip. of Lieut. J. McShane & ink stamp of A Coy., 2nd H.S. Garr. Bn. Northamptonshire Regt. See illustration on our website.   £25
Letters of Ivar Campbell Written Between May 1915 & January 1916. 1st Eds., [iii]+106pp., portrait frontis. Privately Printed (by A.L. Humphreys). 1917  #66644
[HLMainPic] Ivar Campbell, son of Lord & Lady George Campbell, grandson of the 8th Duke of Argyll, was Ed. at Eton & Christ Church College, Oxford. He received a commission in 3rd (SR) Bn, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, was attached to 1st Seaforth in France May 1915-Nov. 1915 when this bn. was posted to the Mesopotamian front. DoW received during the Battle of Sheikh Saad on 8/1/1916 & is commemorated on the Basra Memorial. "Letters" contains largely his letters from the Western Front, with the Indian Corps in the Bethune region & the Battle of Loos; thereafter a record of the move via Marseilles to Mesopotamia and arrival there: very soon after this he was killed. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, VG & scarce. See illustration on our website.   £145
James Lusk, BA (Cantab).; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur; Captain & Adjutant 6th Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). Letters & Memories. 1st Ed., [vii]+151pp., portrait frontis., col. plate (of Legion d'Honneur). Oxford: Printed for B.H. Blackwell. 1916  #66642
[HLMainPic] James Lusk was commissioned in the 6th Cameronians in 1908, mobilised & served in France March-Dec. 1915. Memoir followed by extensive & interesting letters from training and the Front: wounded by a trench mortar on Christmas Day 1915 whilst going round his trenches & DoW 28/12/15. He was awarded the Legion d'Honneur at Festubert in June when he was Bn. Transport Officer & the bn. having lost heavily in officers he made his way up the line & helped reorganise. He was appointed adjutant after this battle. Orig. grey paper covd. boards with purple cloth backstrip, VG. See illustrations on our website.   £145
The War Letters of Leonard & Walter Ewbank 1915-1917. 1st Ed., 80pp., 190x128mm. Printed by Butler & Tanner, For Private Circulation. nd [c.1920].  #66579
[HLMainPic] Sons of the Rev. John and Julia Helen Ewbank, of Cumberland. 2nd Lieutenant Leonard Ewbank was killed in action with 5th Battalion Border Regiment at Sanctuary Wood on 23rd February 1916, aged twenty-three. He is buried in Railway Dugouts (Transport Farm) Cemetery. Captain John Walter Ewbank was commissioned in the Border Regiment from Sandhurst in 1914, wounded at Neuve Chapelle with the 2nd Battalion, then served with the 1st Battalion at Gallipoli and later in France, where he won the Military Cross in 1916, a Bar to it in 1917 and the Croix de Guerre. He was killed in action at Cambrai on 30th November 1917 whilst serving on Brigade Staff, aged twenty-one, and is commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial. Contains interesting letters from both brothers. Orig. pale blue cloth, blocked black to front board. VG & rare with loosely inserted slip "With kindest regards from R.B. Ewbank." See illustration on our website.   £175
General Regulations & Orders for the Army. Adjutant General's Office, Horse Guards, 12th August 1811. To Which Are Added such Regulations as have been issued to the 1st January 1816. Facsimile reprint, xxiv+441pp. VG in dw. Muller. 1970  #64168
[HLMainPic] Rexine binding, VG in sl. chipped dw. See illustration on our website.   £15
Letters written in the Trenches near Ypres between May & September, 1915, by H.M. Butterworth, 9th Rifle Brigade, who fell in action on September 25th, 1915. 1st Ed., 219x142mm, 84pp., portrait frontis. Wellington, NZ: Whitcombe & Tombs. 1916  #66577
[HLMainPic] Hugh Montagu Butterworth was Ed. at Marlborough & University College, Oxford, but left prematurely when his family emigrated to New Zealand. Became a schoolmaster at Wanganui College & returned to England in 1915 where he obtained a commission in the 9th (S) Battalion Rifle Brigade. He was killed in action during a diversionary attack near Ypres, in support of the Loos offensive, on 25th September 1915, has no known grave & is commemorated on the Menin Gate. He was twenty-nine. Memorial containing obituaries and tributes plus lengthy letters from the front during four months in the Ypres Salient, the last written before going into his last action: "I am leaving this in the hands of the Transport Officer, and if I get knocked out he will send it on to you. We are going into a big thing. It will be my pleasant duty to leap lightly over the parapet and lead D company over the delectable confusion of old trenches, crump holes, barbed wire, that lies between us and the Bosche, and take a portion of his line. Quo facto I shall then proceed to bomb down various communication trenches and take his second line. In the very unlikely event of my being alive by then I shall dig like blazes and if God is good, stop the Bosche counter-attack..." Orig. apple green cloth, titled in black to front board, little rubbed at extremities o/w VG & scarce. See illustrations on our website.   £220
Examples of Cavalry Action in France During the German Offensive, March-April 1918. Issued by the General Staff, India. 1st Ed., orig. printed card wraps. with cloth backstrip, 14pp., foolscap, 5 fldg. & cold. maps/sketches. Calcutta: Supt. of Govt. Printing. 1921.  #63200
[HLMainPic] A rare survival (just 500 copies printed) containing reports on four actions: (i) Mounted Action - At Moreuil Wood on 30th March 1918, by Canadian Cavalry Brigade; (ii) Dismounted Action - Report of Action of 'C' Squadron, 4th Hussars, in the attack on Moreuil Wood; (iii) Mounted Action - Account of 3rd Cavalry Division at Villeselve; (iv) Example of Cavalry Patrol Report & Written Messages - Report of Patrol [by Lt. Hon. H.M. Stourton, 8th Hussars] from Sally-le-Sec to Morcourt [27th March 1918] plus Lessons drawn from the operations carried out by the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cavalry Divisions from March 21st to April 5th, 1918. The reports are supported by excellent coloured maps/diagrams of the various engagements. Orig. printed card wraps., with cloth backstrip, VG. See illustrations on our website.   £325
An American Soldier: Letters of Edwin Austin Abbey, 2d. 1st Ed., [ix]+174pp., 202x134mm, portrait frontis., map (Vimy Ridge, showing location of his grave). VG in partyial dw. Houghton Mifflin, Boston & New York. 1918  #66405
[HLMainPic] Edwin Austin Abbey the Second, son of William Burling Abbey and Katharine Eleanor Abbey of Philadelphia, enlisted 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion Oct. 1915, served in Flanders March-April 1916 when he was wounded. Commissioned in 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, returned to the Front in Dec. 1916 & Killed in Action by a sniper at Vimy Ridge on 10th April 1917. Contains lengthy letters written during training in Canada & on active service during 1916-17, these giving a very good impression of his life in France and Flanders, both in and behind the lines. They are followed by several letters of condolence, one of them containing a detailed account of his final hours and the location of his body (which had been plundered by the Germans for identifications), with a map showing the location of his battlefield grave. Orig. brown paper covered boards with cloth backstrip, gilt to spine and title to front, VG in dw (latter scarce example, but lacking sp. panel). See illustration on our website.   £125

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