Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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Second World War Second World War, Including regimental and divisional histories, personal accounts, general histories and works of reference   174 Books
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Representative Enemy & Allied Aircraft: Comparative Performance & Characteristics. TAIC [Technical Air Intelligence Center] Manual No. 2. 1st Ed., orig. printed wraps., [iii]+47pp., silhouettes of aircraft throughout. Anacostia, DC: Issued by the Division of Naval Intelligence by Combined Personnel of United States & British Services for the Use of Allied Forces. Oct. 1944  #45136
CONFIDENTIAL (& next to this ink stamped RESTRICTED) contemp. intelligence report contains technical spec. of around 120 types of British, German, American & Japanese aircraft, i.e. presumably just about all then in service (from fighters such as the Spitfire to heaviest bombers like the Superfortress), with details such as Speed-Climb-Ceiling, Range, Take-Off, Engines, Dimensions, Armament, Protection (armour), Fuel, &c, plus front, side & top silhouettes of each aircraft. Staples somewhat rusted o/w VG. See illustration on our website.   £50
The Ulster Year Book: The Official Year Book of Northern Ireland, 1947. Published by Authority of the Minister of Finance. 1st Ed., orig. dec. card wraps., li+321pp., 7 diagrams, fldg. map. Belfast: HMSO. 1947  #63917
[HLMainPic] The first edition to be issued since 1938, including a special feature covering the period 1939-45: " This is an authoritative & permanent record of Northern Ireland's war effort, ably written by Dr. D.A. Chart, Deputy Keeper of the Records of Northern Ireland." This piece includes details of the wartime activities of local units including 5th Dragoon Guards, battalions of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Royal Ulster Rifles, Royal Irish Fusiliers, North Irish Horse, 8th (Belfast) HAA Regiment, 9th (Londonderry) HAA Regiment, 3rd (Ulster) Searchlight Regiment &c., as well as Civil Defence & Home Guard, Air Raids &c., followed by detailed statements on population, industry & trade, education, Justice & Police, transport, &c. Orig. dec. wraps., VG with smal withdrwn stamp of RCS Lib. & loosely inserted circular letter explaining the reasons for no issues appearing since 1938, &c. See illustration on our website.   £25
Royal Engineers Battlefield Tour: The Seine to the Rhine. Volume I: An Account of the Operations Included in the Tour. Volume II: A Guide to the Conduct of the Tour. 1st Ed., 2 Vols., foolscap, xviii+217pp., 49 photos., 37 maps on 14 fldg. leaves; x+83pp., 31 maps. Chief Engineer British Army of the Rhine. Feb. 1947  #63949
[HLMainPic] RESTRICTED. "Prepared by HQ 8 AGRE... to enable present & future REs to study certain operations of particular engineer interest in the 1940 Flanders Campaign & in the 1944/45 Campaign in NW Europe..." Fabulous detail on RE aspects of ops. inc. Arnhem, battle of the Rhineland, Rhine Crossing &c. Numerous accounts by participating officers & NCOs. Excellent photos. & exceptional, detailed col. printed maps of operations. Orig. blue cloth, gilt to front & spines, some chipping, rubbing & wear to edges, generally VG with ownership inscrip. & later bookplate of Major J.S. Bartholomew, GM, in Vol. I.. Rare. See illustration on our website.   £250
The Polar Bear News: Weekly Publication of Forty-Ninth (West Riding) Infantry Division. Two issues: No. 3 (New Series), Neheim, Friday, November 2, 1945; No. 8 (New Series), Neheim, Friday, December 7, 1945, each 8pp. (but the second listed is incomplete), 35x25cm, several photos. & cartoons in each edition. Produced in the Germany. Contemp.  #63951
[HLMainPic] Weekly newsheets printed in Germany containing, inter al, items of divisional news, events, past operations & personalities, for example No. 3 includes a demonstration of V2 rockets at Duxhaven, news of the disbandment of 89 LAA Regt., the Campaign Story of the 2nd Essex: a substantial centre spread recounting the battalion's services in NW Europe 1944-45 with 50th & 49th Divs., inc. roll of awards. Issue no. 8 lacks internal pages. See illustration on our website.   £65
British Railways in Peace & War. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., 72pp., photos. throughout. Issued by The British Railways Press Office. 1944  #63973
[HLMainPic] Very nicely illustrated account of railways (GWR, LMS, LNER &c.), war work (moving troops, materiel, &c.), expansion, Government Control &c. VG. See illustrations on our website.   £15
"It Can Now Be Revealed" More About British Railways in Peace & War. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., 64pp., photos. throughout. Issued by The British Railways Press Office. 1945  #63974
[HLMainPic] Contains "a more detailed picture" than hitherto of how the various British railway companies "not only carried the workers & raw materials for the construction firstly of war factories & then of the equipment produced in them, but how they actually designed, built & repaired armaments that played no mean part in the Battle of Britain, the North African campaign & in the invasion of Europe. Now too can be revealed their part in sustaining the bomber offensive..." Very nicely illustrated & an excellent, clean copy, VG. See illustrations on our website.   £15
Record of The Birmingham City Transport Home Guard, May, 1940-December, 1944. 1st Ed., orig. dec. card wraps., oblong 4to, 60pp., portraits &c. throughout. Printed by Buckler & Webb Ltd., Birmingham. 1944  #64081
[HLMainPic] Very scarce & fully illustrated record: short history of the units + complete nominal roll (HQ & the various companies). Orig. dec. card wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £60
Front Line Eastbourne: An Illustrated Record of a Famous Holiday Resort under Enemy Air Assualt, & a Tribute to the Stout-Hearted Residents who kept the Flag Flying. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., not paginated, c.80pp., photos. throughout. Printed & Published by T.R. Beckett Ltd., Eastbourne. 1945  #64114
[HLMainPic] Interesting record of the Home Front on the south coast with num. photos. of bomb damage &c. Orig. dec. wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £25
The Iron Duke: The Regimental Magazine of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding). Vols. XV-XXIII, 1939-1947. Run of 27 issues covering WW2, Vol. XV, No. 42, Feb. 1939-Vol. XXIII, No. 68, Oct. 1947, each annual Volume c.200pp., so some 1800+pp in all, with photos., sketches, &c. For the Regiment. Contemp.  #64609
[HLMainPic] Containing the customary regimental news, historical articles (inc. extracts from diaries &c. of participants in earlier campaigns), Army Lists extracts, various named group photos., obituaries, &c. These wartime issues also containing news & reports from battalions on various Fronts overseas inc. Middle East, NW Europe & Burma, plus citations for awards & articles by officers on various operations & events. An excellent source on the regiment during the Second World War. VG throughout. All issues in orig. dec. wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £275
The Tiger Triumphs: The Story of Three Great Divisions in Italy. 1st Ed., [viii]+212pp., 53 photos., 6 maps & diagrams. HMSO for Govt. of India. 1946  #65623
[HLMainPic] The 4th, 8th & 10th Indian Divisions in the hard-fought Italian campaign. Orig. wraps. (as issued), VG. See illustration on our website.   £20

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