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Indian Army Regimental History Indian Army Regimental History   62 Books
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History of the 20th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Infantry, Brownlow's Punjabis. From its Formation in 1857 to 1907. 1st Ed., [ix]+147pp., portrait frontis., 13 plates, plan. Devonport: Swiss & Co. 1910  #64121
[HLMainPic] Much NWF inc. Yusufzai Expedition 1858, Umbeyla 1863, Hazara, 2nd Afghan War, Tirah &c. 1897-98; also China in 1860 & 1900. "...detailed accounts of the sixteen campaigns in which it took part... interesting biographies of the regiment's founder..." - Perkins 476. Nominal rolls &c. Orig. qtr. green morocco, gilt, sp. browned & rubbed o/w VG, a good example as the leather sp. was prone to disintegration & most copies I have encountered have been rebacked. Contemp. ownership inscrip. of "C.M. Hawes" (listed in the Officers' Services roll: joined 1904, QM 1909: later Lt.-Col., DSO). Rare. See illustration on our website.   £265
The Story of the 1st & 2nd Battalions, 41st Dogras, Volume I. October 1900 to December 1923 & October 1917 to March 1922. Compiled from the Digest of Services & Other Sources by Officers of the Regiment. 1st Ed., [ix]+146+xpp., portrait frontis., 10 plates, 5 fldg. maps. Printed by Thacker & Co. Ltd, Bombay, For Private Circulation Only. nd (c.1935). 1935  #64620
[HLMainPic] 41st Dogras raised 1900: served in China then with Indian Corps on the Western Front 1914-15, then in Mesopotamia, Afghan War 1919, Aden, Somaliland &c. 2nd Bn. raised 1917 served in Afghan War 1919, Mahsud campaign 1920 & Wana Column 1921. On IA reorganisation in 1922 the 1st B. became 3/17th Dogras & the 2nd Bn. the 10th (Training) Bn. Rare history with much interesting detail, composite photos. of COs & Subedars-Major, &c. "This is a handsome book, a pleasure to handle, & full of facts. The appendices are exceptionally good. The H&A appendix, for example, includes details of all IOM & IDSM awards, foreign awards, full citations where appropriate, & details of Recommendations." - Perkins. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, VG & rare. See illustrations on our website.   £375
Standing Orders Meerut District Signals 1936. [viii]+156pp., rectos. only. Karachi: Daily Gazette Press. 1936  #67672
[HLMainPic] Customary regimental regulations & instructions concerning all aspects of interior economy, duties, discipline, motor transport, signals &c. Orig. buff printed boards with blue cloth backstrip, paper labels on front & tp obscuring the previous title of this work which was "B Corps Signals Unit Standing Orders 1936." Large no. of typed or ms. amendments tipped-in. See illustration on our website.   £75
15th Lancers (Cureton's Multanis): Photographs of Regimental Jubilee Held At Dera Ismail Khan, 20th Decr. to 31st Decr. 1909. Large photograph album/regimental Jubilee souvenir, 375x280mm. The Regiment. 1911.  #64189
[HLMainPic] A quite superb regimental album containing 2pp. letterpress English translation of speech delivered by the Commandant at the regimental Durbar held on 27th Dec. 1909 followed by fine whole page (image size 250x205mm) plates of (i) Regiment in Mass, with Officers in Front; (ii) Regiment Marching Past; (iii) Regiment Marching Past (another view); (iv) 'C' Squadron Marching Past; (v) Durbar; (vi) Pensioners (group of Non-Commissioned Officers & Sowars); (vii) British & Native Officers Past & Present (complete with named caption below); (viii) British & Native Officers (1909, complete with named caption below); (ix) 'A' Squadron in Full Dress (British & Indian Officers identified); (x) 'B' Squadron, Field Service Marching Order (British & Indian Officers identified); (xi) 'C' Squadron, Hot Weather Full Dress (British & Indian Officers identified); (xii) 'D' Squadron, Plain Clothes (British & Indian Officers identified); (xiii) Regimental Staff (British & Indian Officers identified); (xiv) Recruit & Remount Staff (British & Indian Officers identified); (xv) Recruits (British & Indian Officers identified); (xvi) Kot Dafadars (all identified); (xvii) Types of Regiment; (xviii) Types of Regiment (other than in plate xvii); (xviii) Mutiny Veterans (150x184mm: four men, wearing medals, identified by name). (xix) Colonel D.G.L. Shaw, Commandant (210x147mm, mounted); (xx-xxxi) Named portraits of 12 British Officers, each 138x102mm, in full dress, wearing medals. The photographic quality of all the images is incredibly fine, as is the whole album, which is bound in full straight-grain cushioned green morocco, regimental crest in gilt to front, ruled edges, decorative endpapers, the title page in illuminated manuscript, this example with presentation inscrip. "To George H.N. Ricketts. Esq. C.B. From the Officers of the Regiment in Commemoration of its Jubilee" together with the recipient's armorial bookplate to front paste-down, tipped-in ms. letter from Lt.-Col. H.M. Johnston: "My dear Mr Ricketts, I send you herewith, on Behalf of the Regiment, a Book of the Regimental Jubilee Photographs, which we hope you will accept as a token of appreciation for your generous support on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Regiment: you will very shortly have Henry back with you, and I hope you will find him as fit and well as I think he is. He is the greatest assistance to me, and I shall miss him." Note: 'Henry' was Major H.C. Ricketts, of the 15th Lancers, whose portrait appears within the album. Also a loosely inserted paste-board invitation to Mr Ricketts to the Jubilee, with concise Programme of Jubilee week events printed on the reverse. The album is a sumptuous production of exceptional quality which was presumably produced in a very small number for the British Officers & their families. Not in Perkins. Fine example & self-evidently rare. See illustrations on our website.   £3000
The Bombay Light Horse & its Successor The Bombay Motor Patrol A.F.I. 1st Ed., 47pp., 6 plates. Croydon: Cranford Press. 1966  #65057
[HLMainPic] Limited edition of 150 copies of this Auxilary Force India unit history that "contains much scarce information regarding equipment, uniforms, reorganisations & individual services." - Perkins 530. Orig. rexine cloth, VG. See illustration on our website.   £45
Records of No. 3 Mountain Battery R.A. 1st Ed., [iii]+78pp. Allahabad: Pioneer Press. 1909  #66168
[HLMainPic] Very rare history (not in Perkins) recording the history of the regiment from raising in 1759 & its subsequent services in the Peninsular War (Corunna &c.), 2nd Afghan War with the Kabul Field Force (Kandahar &c.), Zhob Valley Field Force 1884, Burma 1886-87, Sikkim 1888, Miranzai FF 1891, Relief of Chitral 1895, Mohmand 1897 &c. Much interesting detail on these campaigns, also on the organisation of the unit & notes on British officers' services. Orig. red full morocco, gilt title to front, very nice example. See illustration on our website.   £325
AHMED (Maj. Gen. Rafiuddin) History of the Baloch Regiment 1820-1939. The Colonial Period. 1st Ed., xxi+269pp., num. photos. & maps. VG in dw. Abbottabad: Baloch Regimental Centre. 1998  #64876
[HLMainPic] Including campaigns in Persia, Indian Mutiny, Abyssinia 1868, second Afghan War, several minor campaigns & WW1 (France then East Africa). Orig. red cloth, gilt, VG in dw. Original hardback edition. See illustration on our website.   £30
ANDERSON (Col. H.S.) & FRANCKLAND (Capt. A.) The 101st Grenadiers: Historical Record of the Regiment, 1778-1923. 2nd Ed., [xv]+138pp., 4to, portrait frontis., 2 col.plates of uniforms, 15 photos., 9 maps. Aldershot: G&P. 1928  #66793
[HLMainPic] The 1885 edition by Anderson re-written & much expanded to include additional material on earlier campaigns (Malabar, Sikh Wars, 2nd Afghan War &c.) to which are added Burma 1885-87, WW1 in East Africa, Egypt & Palestine, Somaliland & post-war Waziristan. Officers' services &c. (plus rolls of MOs & of officers attached to the regiment during the Great War, with remarks on their services). "...improved version of Anderson's 1885 history... based mainly on official records, but Franckland manages to weave in some personal accounts & these help to enliven the text..." - Perkins 451. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, VG & rare. See illustration on our website.   £350
BURTON (Major R.G., 1st Inf., HC [94th Russell's Inf.]) A History of the Hyderabad Contingent. 1st Ed., [v]+v+320+xcpp., portrait frontis., 3 sketches, 8 maps/plans (most fldg.). Calcutta: Supt. of Govt. Printing. 1905  #66143
[HLMainPic] The Hyderabad Contingent evolved, in 1853, from the British organised & officered Nizam's forces raised by Wellesley in the 1800s. Its infantry & cavalry regiments, & gunners, saw extensive action in the Indian Mutiny & other campaigns: "...a clear explanation of the Regt's complex roots, its services to the HEIC & later the Crown, & in particular its role during the Mutiny (pages 143-245). There is liberal mention of awards & casualties. Units of the Contingent served in Burma (1886-87) & in Central Africa... (1891-92). The last three chapters are summaries of each of the Regts of the Contingent, with details of their uniforms & equipment. An admirable compilation." - Perkins 407. Orig. green cloth, gilt, little rubbed o/w VG & very rare (800 copies printed). See illustration on our website.   £325
CONRY (Lt.-Col. J. de L.) Regimental History of the 2/19th Hyderabad Regiment (Berar). Compiled from Official Sources. 1st Ed., [iv]+32pp. Aldershot: Printed by G&P. 1927  #65790
[HLMainPic] Much on Indian Mutiny in Central India & Burmese War 1886-87. Brief account of WW1 in Bushire & Mespot. List of land grants for WW1. Orig. dec. green cloth, VG. Unfairly condemned a "failure" by Perkins the book actually contains a useful outline history & interesting description of the Central India Field Force in 1857-58 (taking of Jhansi &c.). Rare. See illustration on our website.   £225

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