Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Title Starting with L 67 Books

L‚gion d'Honneur Annuaire Officiel... contient les noms de tous les membres de l'Order de la L‚gion d'Honneur aur 1er. Avril 1929.
Ladysmith: The Diary of A Siege.
Lament for Adonis.
Lance-Cpl. George Henry Dewdney, "P" Special Company, Royal Engineers.
Leaves from a Field Note-Book.
Leaving all that was dear: Cheltenham & The Great War.
Lectures. Machinery & Appliances used in Engineering Works, Delivered at the School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Winter Session, 1975. And Revised & Redelivered in 1880.
HILL (Woodman, AMICE)
Ledger & Sword, or The Honourable Company of Merchants of England Trading in the East Indies (1599-1874).
WILLSON (Beckles)
Leeds in the Great War 1914-1918 A Book of Remembrance.
Les Secrets de l'expedition d'Egypte.
BROMBERGER (Merry & Serge)
Les Silences Du Colonel Bramble.
MAUROIS (Andre) [Pseud. of HERZOG (Emile)
Letters & Memorials of Captain William A. Douglas, 6th Bn. The Royal Scots.
Letters & Memorials of Captain William A. Douglas, 6th Bn. The Royal Scots.
Letters & Records of Laurence Frederick Callingham, MA, LL.M., Written during the Great War (1914-1918).
Letters and Papers of Algernon Hyde Villiers, with a Memorial.
Letters from A Soldier.
ROBSON (Walter)
Letters from A Young Queenslander.
[ALLAN (Robert Marshall) Ed. by his father, James Allan]
Letters from Flanders written by 2nd Lieut. A.D. Gillespie Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders to his Home People.
Letters from Flanders: Some War-time Letters of the Rev. P.B. Clayton (Tubby) to his Mother.
Letters from France 1915-1919.
KILHAM (Eleanor B., MD) (Ed. by Carolyn Clewes)
Letters from France written home by Captain Llewelyn Jones, 1/3rd Batt. London Regiment and Tributes from Friends.
Letters from Gallipoli.
CAMPBELL (P.M., Ayrshire Yeomanry)
Letters from Mesopotamia in 1915 & January 1916 from Robert Palmer, who was Killed in the Battle of Um El Hannah, June 21, 1916, Aged 27 Years.
Letters from the Crimea 1854-1855.
PORTAL (Capt. Robert)
Letters from the Peninsula: The Freer Family Correspondence 1807-1814.
SCARFE (Norman, MA)
Letters of a Canadian Stretcher Bearer.
RAY (Anna Chapin) Ed.
Letters of a Headmaster Soldier.
LAWSON (Harry Sackville)
Letters of a Once Punjab Frontier Force Officer to His Nephew Giving His Ideas on Fighting on the North West Frontier & in Afghanistan.
Letters of a Soldier 1914-1915.
Letters of An American Airman: Being the War Record of Capt. Hamilton Coolidge, U.S.A., 1917-1918.
Letters of an English Boy, Being the Letters of Richard Byrd Levett, King's Royal Rifle Corps, who Died for England, at the Age of Nineteen, in the Great War. March 10, 1917.
Letters of an English Boy, Being the Letters of Richard Byrd Levett, King's Royal Rifle Corps, who Died for England, at the Age of Nineteen, in the Great War. March 10, 1917.
Letters of Arthur George Heath, fellow of New College, Oxford, & Lieutenant in the 6th Batt. Royal West Kent Regiment.
Letters of Cyrus Foss Chamberlain, A Member of the Lafayette Flying Corps.
CHAMBERLAIN (Francis A. & Frances T.) Comps.
Letters of Ivar Campbell Written Between May 1915 & January 1916.
Letters to Helen: Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front.
Letters to Helen: Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front.
Letters to His Wife.
Letters written in the Trenches near Ypres between May & September, 1915, by H.M. Butterworth, 9th Rifle Brigade, who fell in action on September 25th, 1915.
Lewis Gun Mechanism Made Easy.
Lieutenant-Colonel John Haughton, Commandant of the 36th Sikhs: A Hero of Tirah, A Memoir.
YATE (Major A.C.)
Life Amongst the Sand Bags.
Life in a Tank.
HAIGH (Capt. Richard, MC, Tank Corps)
Life of Major John Haworth Whitworth, DSO, MC.
MACKENNAL (W.L., formerly CF)
Life of Major John Haworth Whitworth, DSO, MC.
MACKENNAL (W.L., formerly CF)
Life of Warren Hastings: First Governor General of India.
Light & Shade in War.
ROSS (Capt. Malcolm) & ROSS (Lt. Noel)
Lighter Than Air.
WILKINSON ([Capt.] Stephen, AFC, FRIBA, late RFC, RNAS & RAF)
Lille Before and During the War.
Lion With Blue Wings: The Story of the Glider Pilot Regiment 1942-1945.
SETH (Ronald)
Lions Led by Donkeys: Showing How Victory in the Great War was Achieved by Those Who Made the Fewest Mistakes.
List of British Officers Taken Prisoner in the various Theatres of War between August, 1914 & November, 1918.
List of British Officers Taken Prisoner in the various Theatres of War between August, 1914 & November, 1918.
List of Etonians Who Fought in the Great War 1914-1919.
List of Officers & Other Ranks of The Rifle Brigade Awarded Decorations, or Mentioned in Despatches, for Services during the Great War.
EASTWOOD (Lt.-Col. T.R., DSO, MC) & PARKYN (Maj. H.G., OBE)
List of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery from June 1862 to June 1914, With Appendices. New Edition, Volume II.
Little Brother Goes Soldiering.
Little Brother Goes Soldiering.
Little Brother Goes Soldiering.
Little Grey Partridge: The First World War Diary of Ishobel Ross who served with the Scottish Women's Hospitals Unit in Serbia.
DIXON (Jess) Ed.
Littoral Belge - Belgian Coast - Belgische Cust 1914-1918.
Liverpool College Boys & The European War, 1914-1917.
London Men in Palestine & How They Marched to Jerusalem.
COLDICOTT (Rowlands)
London Men in Palestine & How They Marched to Jerusalem.
COLDICOTT (Rowlands)
Loos. 44aNW3 (36C) Edition 9B. 1:10,000.
Love & War: A London Terrier's Tale of 1915-16.
TRAFFORD (Peter) Comp.
Lucknow & Oude in the Mutiny: A Narrative & a Study.
INNES (Lt.-Gen. J.J. McLeod, RE, VC)

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