Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Title Starting with A 236 Books

A "Royal Sussex" Hero: Memorials of Lieutenant Anson Lloyd Silvester [1888-1914] With extracts from his Journals & Letters.
SILVESTER (Rev. J.) Comp.
A 'Racing Pigeon' Double Volume containing Pigeons in the Great War, Pigeons in WW II & Postscript: Dickin Medal Winners.
OSMAN (Lt.-Col. A.H.), OSMAN (Maj. W.H.) & OSMAN (Colin)
A Black Watch Episode of the Year 1731. Compiled from Contemporary Records, With Introduction & Notes.
A Book of Remembrance: Being a Record of the Services of Old Boys & Masters of Watford Grammar School who served in the Great War 1914-1918.
A Brass Hat in No Man's Land.
CROZIER (Brig.-Gen. F.P., CB, CMG, DSO)
A Brief Historical Sketch of His Majesty's 31st: Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers, Indian Army.
A Brief History of the 12th Bn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (Pioneers). "The Miners' Battalion."
ENGLAND (Capt. R. Ede)
A Brief Outline of the Campaign in Mesopotamia.
EVANS (Maj. [Temp. Lt.-Col.] R., MC, Royal Horse Guards)
A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby, GCB, GCMG, July 1917 to October 1918.
PIRIE-GORDON (Lt.-Col. H.) Ed.
A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force under the command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby, GCB, GCMG, July 1917 to October 1918.
PIRIE-GORDON (Lt.-Col. H.) Ed.
A Brigade of the Old Army 1914.
HALDANE (Lt.-Gen. Sir Aylmer, KCB, DSO)
A Brigadier in France 1917-1918.
CUMMING (Brig.-Gen. Hanway R., DSO)
A Burmese Wonderland: A Tale of Travel in Upper & Lower Burma.
ENRIQUEZ (Major C.M., FRGS, 3-70th Kachin Rifles, Divisional Recruiting Officer, Burma)
A Cameronian Officer: Being a Memoir of Lieutenant James Burnett Lawson, Second Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Officer in the Corunna Campaign 1808-1809: The Journal of Captain Gordon of the 15th Hussars,
WYLLY (Col. H.C., CB) Ed.
A Centaur Looks Back.
LECKIE (Lt.-Col. V.C., DSO)
A Child's History of ANZAC.
A City Goes to War. [History of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment, 3 PPCLI].
A Clasp for "The Few": A Biographical Account of New Zealand Pilots & Aircrew Who Flew Operationally with Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain 10th July-31st October 1940.
A Companion to the Indian Mutiny of 1857.
A Consulting Surgeon in the Near East.
TUBBY (Lt.-Col. A.H., CB, CMG)
A Contemptible Little Flying Corps: Being a definitive & previously non-existent roll of those Warrant Officers, NCOs & Airmen who served in the Royal Flying Corps prior to the outbreak of the First World War.
A Diary of The First-Fourth Battalion The Buffs, East Kent Regiment - Territorial Force 1914-1919,
A Doctor's Diary in Damaraland.
WALKER (Dr. H.F.B., late Captain, RAMC)
A Fatalist at War.
BINDING (Rudolf)
A Fatalist at War.
BINDING (Rudolf)
A Frenchman in Khaki.
MAZE (Paul)
A Frontier Campaign: A Narrative of the Operations of the Malakand & Buner Field Forces 1897-1898.
A General's Letters to His Son on Obtaining His Commission.
[PILCHER (Maj.-Gen. T.D.)]
A Generation Missing.
A Generation Missing.
A German Deserter's War Experience.
A Gloucestershire Lad at Home & Abroad.
A Good Aggressive Fighter Pilot: The Story of One Airman Who Fought in the Battle of Britain.
A Handful of Ausseys.
THORP (C. Hampton, AIF)
A Handful of Ausseys.
THORP (C. Hampton, AIF)
A Happy Family: Story of the Twentieth Indian Division April 1942-August 1945.
A Hell of a Licking: The Retreat from Burma 1941-42.
LUNT (James)
A History of 24 Squadron, Sometime of the Royal Flying Corps & later of the Royal Air Force.
ILLINGWORTH (Capt. A.E.) With Appendices compiled by ROBESON (Major V.A.H, MC)
A History of 28 Engineer Regiment 1951-2014.
KEHOE (Capt. J.A.)
A History of the 22nd (S) Bn. Royal Fusiliers (Kensingtons).
STONE (Major C., DSO, MC)
A History of the 2nd Bn. Monmouthshire Regiment.
BRETT (Capt. G.A., DSO, MC)
A History of the 2nd Lancers (Gardner's Horse) From 1809 to 1922.
A History of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards & Their Predecessors 1685-1980.
A History of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards & Their Predecessors 1685-1980.
A History of the 6th Canadian Siege Battery, France, Belgium & Germany 1916-1919.
GREEN (F.G. [Steve])
A History of The Blockade of Germany & of the countries associated with her in the Great War: Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria & Turkey 1914-1918.
BELL (A.C., Historical Section, Committee of Imperial Defence)
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. 5: 1914-1919, Egypt, Palestine & Syria.
ANGLESEY (The Marquess of)
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. 7: The Curragh Incident & the Western Front 1914.
ANGLESEY (The Marquess of)
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. II, 1851-1871.
ANGLESEY (Marquess of)
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. III: 1872-1898.
ANGLESEY (Marquess of)
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. IV: 1899-1913.
ANGLESEY (Marquess of)
A History of the Hyderabad Contingent.
BURTON (Major R.G., 1st Inf., HC [94th Russell's Inf.])
A History of the Maratha People.
KINCAID (C.A., CVO, ICS) & PARASNIS (Rao Bahadur D.B.)
A History of the Sixty-Sixth Field Artillery Brigade American Expeditionay Forces, Composed of the 146th & the 148th Field Artillery; National Guard Troops from the Western States of Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, New Mexico.
A History of United States Army Base Hospital No. 19, American Expeditionary Forces, Vichy, France, A.P.O. 781.
A Knight of The Air.
KNIGHT (Capt. G.F., RAF)
A Leader of Men: Major Sydney Harold Baker.
BAKER (James)
A Life Apart.
A Life Apart.
A Life Well Lived: A Memoir of James Wood Colin Taylor, Lt. 3rd Bn. Sherwood Foresters; born May 22nd 1887, Fell in Action at Hooge, Flanders, August 9th 1915.
WOOD (John) Ed.
A Maid & A Million Men: The Candid Confessions of Leona Canwick, Censored Indiscreetky by James G. Dunton.
DUNTON (James G.)
A Manual of Surveying for India. Detailing the Mode of Operations on the Revenue Services in Bengal & The North-West Frontier Provinces.
SMYTH (Capt. R., Bengal Arty.) & THUILLIER (Capt. H.L., Bengal Arty.)
A Martial Medley: Fact & Fiction.
O'RIORDAN (Conal) et al.
A Martial Medley: Fact & Fiction.
O'RIORDAN (Conal) et al.
A Medico's Luck in the War: Being Reminiscences of RAMC Work with the 51st (Highland) Division.
RORIE (David, DSO, TD)
A Medico's Luck in the War: Being Reminiscences of RAMC Work with the 51st (Highland) Division.
RORIE (David, DSO, TD)
A Medico's Luck in the War: Being Reminiscences of RAMC Work with the 51st (Highland) Division.
RORIE (David, DSO, TD)
A Memoir by G.H. Addy of His Son, Kenneth James Balguy Addy, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st King's Royal Rifle Corps. Killed in Action at the Quarries, near Vermelles, October 3rd, 1915.
A Memoir of the Services of Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Ford Whittingham, KCB, KCH, GCF, Colonel of the 71st Highland Light Infantry.
WHITTINGHAM (Maj.-Gen. Ferdinand, CB) Ed.
A Memorial Record of the Men of Greenock who Fell in the Great War, 1914-1918.
A Memorial Record of the Staff of the Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd. who served in the Great War 1914-18.
A Memorial Record of Watsonians who served in the Great War 1914-1918.
A Military History of Perthshire 1660-1902.
TULLIBARDINE (Marchioness of)
A Most Secret Squadron: The Story of No. 618 Squadron & its Special Deatchment, Royal Air Force.
A Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance in Peace & War.
A Narrative of the Royal Scottish Volunteer Review in Holyrood Park on the Seventh of August 1860.
VERNON (Ernest Ralph)
A Naval Venture: The War Story of an Armoured Cruiser.
JEANS (Fleet Surgeon T.T., RN)
A Nomad Under Arms: The Chronicle of an Artilleryman from 1914 to the Armistice.
ASSHER (Ben) [Pseud. of BORADAILE (Major Colin, MC, RGA)]
A Passionate Prodigality: Fragments of Autobiography.
A Passionate Prodigality: Fragments of Autobiography.
A Poet of the Air: Letters of Jack Morris Wright, First Lieutenant of the American Aviation in France, April, 1917-January, 1918.
A Practical Treatise on the Attack of Military Posts, Villages, Intrenchments, &c. Intended as a Supplement to 'The Defence of Outposts,' with Familiar Explanation on the Principles & Practice of Escalading.
JEBB (J., Capt. in the Corps of Royal Engineers)
A Precis of The King's Regulations & The Manual of Military Law for Officers.
PENDLEBURY (Maj. W.J., late RFA [T] & Staff Capt., Kantara Area, EEF)
A Private in the Guards.
GRAHAM (Stephen)
A Private Memoir of Sir Thomas Fowler, Bart., Born Aug. 12 1868, Killed in Action April 20 1902.
PEASE (Sir Alfred E.)
A Record of D245 Battery 1914-1919.
GEE (Sgt. A.E., MM) & SHAW (Cpl. A.E.)
A Record of D245 Battery 1914-1919.
GEE (Sgt. A.E., MM) & SHAW (Cpl. A.E.)
A Record of Service: No. 1 Battalion (Denbighshire) Home Guard.
WILLIAMS (Lt.-Col. John R.)
A Record of the 2nd Bucks Battalion T.F. 1914-1918.
A Record of the 53rd (Welsh) Divisional Cyclist Company. Gallipoli - Egypt - Palestine, 1915-1919.
A Record of the Actions, Marches, Movements & Stations of the Sixth Battalion Devonshire Regiment in England, India & Mesopotamia During The Great War of 1914-1919.
FLICK (Lt.-Col. C.L., CMG, CBE)
A Record, Memorial & Roll of Honour of Officers, N.C.O's. & Men of the 12th Batt. Yorks. & Lancs. Regt. (Sheffield City Battalion) Who Fell in th War, 1914-1919.
MELLING (J., Hon. Treasurerer, 12th Y&L Memorial Fund)
A Regimental Chronicle & List of Officers of the 60th, or the King's Royal Rifle Corps, formerly the 62nd, or the Royal American Regiment of Foot.
WALLACE (Capt. N.W., 60th)
A Rough Sketch of the Field of Waterloo.
ADDISON (Henry R., FSA, late 2nd Dragoon Guards)
A Roumanian Diary.
A Rubaiyat of the Trenches.
CANDOLE (Alec de)
A Saga of Scotland: History of the 16th Battalion The Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment).
A Scamper Through the Far East Including a Visit to the Manchurian Battlefields.
A Scholar's Letters from the Front: Written by Stephen H. Hewett, 2nd Lieut. in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
A Scholar's Letters from the Front: Written by Stephen H. Hewett, 2nd Lieut. in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
A Select Analytical List of Books Concerning the Great War.
PROTHERO (Sir George W., KBE)
A Servant of John Company, Being the Recollections of an Indian Official.
A Short History of The 16th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters (Chatsworth Rifles).
A Short History of the 16th Gloucestershire (City of Bristol) Battalion Home Guard.
A Short History of the 19th County of London (S.S. Gas Coy.) Bn. Home Guard.
GOULD (Lt.-Col. J.A., MC)
A Short History of the 1st (West African) Infantry Brigade in the Arakan 1944-45.
A Short History of the 1st King's Dragoon Guards from the Regimental Records, Army Despatches & Othe Papers Connected with The History of the Regiment from its Formation in 1685 to 1929.
A Short History of the 39th (Deptford) Divisional Artillery 1915-1918.
WIEBKIN (Lt.-Col. H.W., MC)
A Short History of the 3rd Hunts Battalion Home Guard 1940-1944.
A Short History of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's) 1960-1985.
A Short History of the Revival of the Small Torpedo Boats (C.M.B.s) during the Great War & subsequently in The Kronstadt, Archangel & Caspian Sea Expeditions of 1919.
A Short Life & A Gay One: A Biography of Frank Best, 1893-1917.
BEST (Robert D.) Comp.
A Short Record of the Services & Experiences of the 5th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in The Great War.
A Signal Honour: With the Chindits & XIV Army in Burma.
A Sketch of the Services of the Bengal Native Army. To the Year 1895.
CARDEW (Lt. F.G.) Comp.
A Soldier of England: Memorials of Leslie Yorath Sanders: Born July 5th, 1893, Killed in Action March 10th, 1917.
A Soldier of The Legion.
MORLAE (Edward)
A Soldier of the Sky.
CAMPBELL (Capt. George F., RFC)
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War 1914-1917.
PRIDEAUX (Captain G.A., MC)
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War.
[BELL (Capt. D.H., MC)]
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War.
[BELL (Capt. D.H., MC)]
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War.
[BELL (Capt. D.H., MC)]
A Soldier's Diary of the Great War.
[BELL (Capt. D.H., MC)]
A Soldier's Diary.
SCOTT (Ralph) [Pseud. of ATKINSON (G.S.)]
A Soldier's Diary: South Africa 1899-1901.
JACKSON (Murray Cosby, Late Sgt., 7th M.I.)
A Soldier's Experience, or A Voice from the Ranks: Showing the Cost of War in Blood & Treasure. A Personal Narrative of the Crimean Campaign, from the Standpoint of the Ranks; The Indian Mutiny, & some of its Atrocities; The Afghan Campaigns of 1863. Slso Sketches of the Lives & Deaths of Sir H. Havelock, KCB, & Capt. Hedley Vicars. Together with Some Things Not Generally Known. By one of the Royal Fusiliers.
GOWING (Sgt. Maj. T.)
A Soldier's Life & Work in South Africa, 1872-1879. A Memoir of the Late Colonel A.W. Durnford, Royal Engineers.
DURNFORD (Lt.-Col. E.)
A Staff Officer's Scrap-Book During the Russo-Japanese War. [Part I].
HAMILTON (Lt.-Gen. Sir Ian)
A Subaltern's Musings.
MANN (Arthur James ['Hamish'])
A Subaltern's Share in the War: Home Letters of the late George Weston Devenish, Lieut. R.A., Attached R.F.C.
A Surgeon in Belgium.
A Tale of Two Captains.
BAYNES (John) & MACLEAN (Hugh)
A Territorial Soldier's War.
LATHAM (Bryan, MM)
A Tour in the Bavarian Alps 1914-1916.
A Trooper in the Tins: Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman.
A Trooper in the Tins: Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman.
A Turning Point in the Indian Mutiny.
SIEVEKING (I. Giberne)
A Two Years Interlude: France, 1916-1918.
A V.A.D. in France.
DENT (Olive)
A Widow-Making War: The Life & Death of a British Officer in Zululand, 1879.
A Woman at War: Being experiences of an Army Signaller in France 1917-1919.
ONIONS (Maude)]
A Wreath of Memories.
A Yarn of War: Palestine & France 1917-1918.
[BOYD (Capt. E.R.)]
A Year for France: War Letters of Houston Woodward.
A Year on the Punjab Frontier in 1848-49.
A Year's Campaigning in India, From March, 1857, to Mach, 1858.
MEDLEY (Julius G., Capt., Bengal Engineers)
A Yellow Admiral Remembers.
SMITH (Vice-Adml. Humphrey Hugh, DSO)
A.F.V. Recognition. Part 1: British & Allied Turreted A.F.Vs.
Above the French Lines: Letters of Stuart Walcott, American Aviator: July 4, 1917, to December 8, 1917.
Above the War Fronts: A Complete Record of the British Two-Seater Bomber Pilot & Observer Aces, The British Two-Seater Fighter Observer Aces & the Belgian, Italian, Austro-Hungarian & Russian Fighter Aces 1914-1918.
FRANKS (N.) et al.
Acheux. 1:20,000.
Across Persia.
Across The Lines: Axis Intelligence & Sabotage Operations in Italy 1943-1945.
GURREY (Donald)
Active Service Diary 21 January 1917-1 July 1917.
SHEARS (Edward Hornby, Lieut., 1st Bn. Irish Guards)
Actor - Soldier - Poet.
Administration Report of the North West Frontier Province 1931-1932.
Adventures in the Near East 1918-1922.
Adventures of a Despatch Rider.
WATSON (Capt. W.H.L.)
Adventures of a Despatch Rider.
WATSON (Major W.H.L. [DSO, DCM])
Adventures on the Western Front August 1914-June 1915.
Adventures on the Western Front August 1914-June 1915.
Aerial Photographs: France, 1918.
Aerial Photographs: Valenciennes area, 30th October 1918.
Afghanistan & N.W. Frontier Province. Sheet No. 38 N/4 Kabul Province. Khyber.
African General Service Medals.
Aide-Memoire to The Military Sciences: Framed from Contributions of Officers of The Different Services, & Edited by a Committee of the Corps of Ryal Engineers. 1853.
Alarms & Excursions: Reminiscences of a Soldier.
BRIDGES (Lt.-Gen. Sir Tom)
Album de la Guerre: Five Hundred Photographs, Seventy Drawings & Thirteen Articles by Members of Base Hospital No. 4, U.S.A. Serving with the British Forces on the Somme Front & Mobile Hospital No. 5, Serving in the Meuse-Argonne Sector. As the First Oganization of American Expeditionary Troops to enter active service Abroad the members of this organization had wide & varied experiences with the British, French & American Forces Covering a Period of Twenty-Three Months from May 8th, 1917, to April 8th, 1919.
All For France: Extracts from the Letters of a French Artillery Officer.
[MILES (Capt. W.B.)]
Allenby's Final Triumph.
Allenby's War: The Palestine-Arabian Campaigns 1916-1918.
Alphabetical List of Officers of the Indian Army; With The Dates of their Respective Promotion, Retirement, Resignation, or Death, whether in India or in Europe; from the Year 1760, to the Year 1834 Inclusive. Corrected to September 30, 1837.
DODWELL (Edward) & MILES (James Samuel) Comp. & Eds.
Amazing Adventure: A Thrilling Naval Biography.
Ambulance 464: Encore les Blesses.
BRYAN (Julien H.)
Ambulance No. 10: Personal Letters from the Front.
BUSWELL (Leslie)
Ambulance No. 10: Personal Letters from the Front.
BUSWELL (Leslie)
America's Munitions 1917-1918. Report of Benedict Crowell, The Assistant Secretary of War, Director of Munitions.
CROWELL (Benedict)
An Account of the Territorials in Northern Ireland 1947-1978.
GAILEY (Col. I.B.) et al. Comps.
An Airman's Outings.
CONTACT [Pseud. of BOTT (Alan)]
An Alphabetical List of The Officers of the Rifle Brigade from 1800 to 1850.
An Ambulance Driver in France: Being Experiences, Memories & Impressions of The Western Front.
RICE (Philip Sidney)
An American Battery in France.
LaBRANCHE (Cpl. Ernest E., Battery E, 102nd Field Artillery)
An American Soldier: Letters of Edwin Austin Abbey, 2d.
An ANZAC's War Diary: The Story of Sergeant Richardson.
BELL (A.D.) Ed.
An Empire Building Battalion: Being a History, with Reminiscences, of the 3rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers. Formed 1898. Disbanded 1922.
PACKE (Lt.-Col. E.C., DSO, OBE)
An Epic of Glasgow: History of the 15th Bn. The Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment).
An Historical Account of the Rise & Progress of the Bengal Native Infantry from its First Formation in 1757, to 1796... Together with a Detail of the Services of which the several Battalions have been Employed during that Period.
WILLIAMS (Capt. John)
An Infant in Arms: War Letters of a Company Officer 1914-1918.
An Infant in Arms: War Letters of a Company Officer 1914-1918.
An Infant in Arms: War Letters of a Company Officer 1914-1918.
An Outline of the War History of the 240th (1st South Midland: Gloucestershire) Brigade, R.F.A. (T).
An Reisimeid Chataich: The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders now 2nd Bn. The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) 1799-1927.
An Unrecorded Chapter in the Indian Mutiny: Being the Personal Reminiscences of...
WILBERFORCE (Reginald G., late 52nd L.I.)
Anatomy of a Raid: Australia at Celtic Wood 9th October 1917.
And All for What? Some War Time Experiences.
Angels & Heroes: The Story of a Machine Gunner with the Royal Irish Fusiliers August 1914 to March 1915, As Recorded by Sergeant Hugh Wilson (Medaille Militaire).
Anglo-Arab Relations & the Question of Palestine 1914-1921.
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921. Volume I: Intervention & The War.
ULLMAN (Richard H.)
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921. Volume II: Brtain & the Russian Civil War, November 1918-February 1920.
ULLMAN (Richard H.)
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921. Volume III: The Anglo-Soviet Accord.
ULLMAN (Richard H.)
ANZAC Memorial: Published by New South Wales Branch, Returned Soldiers Association in Sydney, Australia, 25th April, 1916.
Arakan Assignment: The Story of the 82nd West African Division.
Arctic War: Norway's Role on the Northern Front.
Arms & the Wizard: Lloyd George & the Ministry of Munitions 1915-1916.
Army & Militia. Annual Report of The Inspector-General of Recruiting for the Year 1901.
Army & Militia. Annual Report of The Inspector-General of Recruiting for the Year 1902.
Army List August 1956.
Army Service Corps 1902-1918.
YOUNG (Lt.-Col. Michael)
Army Veterinary Service in War.
MOORE (Maj.-Gen. Sir John, KCMG, CB, FRCVS, Army Veterinary Service)
Arnhem Lift: Diary of a Glider Pilot.
Arras Lens-Douai & the Battles of Artois.
Arras to Cambrai: The Kitchener Battalions of the Royal Berkshire Regiment 1917.
FOX (Colin) et al.
Arras. 51b NW 3. Ed. 7A. 1:10,000.
Artillery & Trench Mortar Memories, 32nd Division.
Artillery Operations of the Ninth British Corps at Messines, June, 1917.
As From Kemmel Hill: An Adjutant in France & Flanders 1917 & 1918.
BEHREND (Arthur)
As It Looked to Him: Intimate Letters on The War.
BRITTON (First Lieut. Emmet N., USA, HQ Coy., 363d Regt., A.E.F.)
At All Costs.
CULL (W. Ambrose [Captain, late A.I.F.])
At Close Quarters: A Sidelight on Anglo-American Diplomatic Relations.
MURRAY (Lt.-Col. Hon. Arthur C., CMG, DSO)
At Ypres with Best-Dunkley.
FLOYD (Thomas Hope)
At Ypres with Best-Dunkley.
FLOYD (Thomas Hope)
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impressions of July 1st 1916.
Attleborough in War Time with Short Concurrent History of the Great War.
Aussie: A Reprint of all the Numbers of the Diggers' Own Paper of the Battlefield, Wholly Written & Illustrated in the Field by Members of the A.I.F.
HARRIS (Philip L.) Ed.
Australia at The Dardanelles 25th April 1915.
Australia at War: A Winter Record made by Will Dyson on The Somme & at Ypres During the Campaigns of 1916 & 1917.
DYSON (Lieut. Will, Official Artist, A.I.F.)
Australia During the War.
SCOTT (Ernest)
Australia in the Great War: The Story Told in Pictures. No. 1.
SMART (H.C.) Ed.
Australia in the War of 1939-1945, Medical Series. Clinical Problems of War
WALKER (Allan S., MD)
Australia in the War of 1939-1945, Medical Series. Vol. II: Middle East & Far East.
WALKER (Allan S., MD)
Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Welwyn, Herts, 1917.
Autobiography & Reminiscences of Sir Douglas Forsyth, CB, KCSI, FRGS.
FORSYTH (Ethel) Ed.

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