Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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Regiments of the British Army
Argyll and Sutherland HighlandersMiddlesex Regiment
Armoured CorpsMilitary Police
Army Service CorpsMonmouthshire Regiment
ArtilleryMunster Fusiliers
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire RegimentNorfolk Regiment
Berkshire RegimentNorth Staffordshire Regiment
Black WatchNorthamptonshire Regiment
BluesNorthumberland Fusiliers
Border RegimentOrdnance Corps
BuffsOxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
Cameron HighlandersParachute Regiment
CameroniansQueen’s Bays
CavalryQueen’s Own Hussars
Coldstream GuardsQueen’s ROYAL Regiment
Connaught RangersRAMC
Devonshire RegimentREME
Dorset RegimentRifle Brigade
Dragoon GuardsRoyal Armoured Corps
Dublin FusiliersRoyal Army Medical Corps
Duke of Cornwall’s Light InfantryRoyal Artillery
Duke of Wellington’s RegimentRoyal Dragoons
Durham Light InfantryRoyal Engineers
East Kent RegimentRoyal Fusiliers
East Lancashire RegimentRoyal Horse Guards
East Surrey RegimentRoyal Irish Hussars
East Yorkshire RegimentRoyal Irish Lancers
Engineers, RoyalRoyal Scots
Essex RegimentRoyal Signals
GlostersScots Greys
Gloucestershire RegimentScots Guards
Gordon HighlandersScottish Rifles
Green HowardsSeaforth Highlanders
Grenadier GuardsSherwood Foresters
Hampshire RegimentShropshire Light Infantry
Highland Light InfantrySomerset Light Infantry
Household CavalrySouth Lancashire Regiment
HussarsSouth Staffordshire Regiment
Inniskilling Dragoon GuardsSouth Wales Borderers
Irish FusiliersStaffordshire Regiment
Irish GuardsSuffolk Regiment
Irish RegimentSussex Regiment
King’s Dragoon GuardsTank Corps
King’s Own Scottish BorderersTank Regiment
King’s Own Yorkshire Light InfantryUlster Rifles
King’s Royal Rifle CorpsWarwickshire Regiment
Lancashire FusiliersWelch Regiment
Lancaster RegimentWelsh Fusiliers, Royal
LancersWelsh Guards
Leicestershire RegimentWest Kent Regiment
Leinster RegimentWest Surrey Regiment
Light InfantryWest Yorkshire Regiment
Lincolnshire RegimentWiltshire Regiment
Liverpool RegimentWorcestershire Regiment
Loyal North Lancashire RegimentYeomanry
Manchester RegimentYork and Lancaster Regiment
Medical Corps

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