Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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NAPIER (Gen. W.C.E.) Ed.
Passages in the Early Military Life of General Sir George T. Napier, KCB, Written by Himself.
NEAME (Bt. Lt.-Col. Philip, VC, DSO, RE)
German Strategy in the Great War.
NEAVE (Capt. E.W.J., MC)
History of The 11th Battalion, "The Queen's."
NEAVE (Dorina L.)
Remembering Kut: "Lest We Forget."
NEEDHAM (Capt. E.J.)
The First Three Months: The Impressions of an Amateur Infantry Subaltern.
NEILL (J.C., late Lt., NZ Tunnelling Coy.) Ed.
The New Zealand Tunnelling Company 1915-1919.
NEVILLE (Capt. J.E.H., MC)
History of the 43rd & 52nd (Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire) Light Infantry in the Great War. Vol. I: The 43rd L.I. in Mesopotamia & North Russia.
Ladysmith: The Diary of A Siege.
The Dardanelles Campaign.
NEWBOLT (Sir Henry)
History of the Great War based on Official Documents... Naval Operations. Vol. IV.
A Brief Historical Sketch of His Majesty's 31st: Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers, Indian Army.
NEWTON (W. Douglas)
The Undying Story: The work of the British Expeditionary Force on the Continent from Mons, August 23rd 1915, to Ypres, November 15th, 1914.
NEWTON (Walt.)
The Soul of the Camp: A Derbyman's O'dyssey.
They Fought with Pride: First World War Experiences of the 2nd Battalion The Monmouthshire Regiment.
NICHOLS (Capt. G.H.F.)
The 18th Division in the Great War.
The Fighting Newfoundlander: A History of The Royal Newfoundland Regiment.
Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War: Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914-1919.
The Gunners of Canada: The History of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, Vol. I, 1534-1919.
The Suffolk Regiment 1928-1946.
Wales: Its Part in the War.
NICOL (Graham)
Uncle George: Field-Marshal Lord Milne of Salonika & Rubislaw.
NICOLSON (Capt. Nigel, MBE) & FORBES (P.)
The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939-45. Vol. I, The Campaigns in North-West Europe; Vol. II, The Mediterranean Campaigns.
The Distant Drum: The Personal History of a Guardsman in the Great War.
NORRIS (Armine, MC, Lieut., Canadian Machine Gun Corps)
"Mainly For Mother."
In Zululand with the British Throughout the War of 1879.
With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1880-81.
NORTH ([Major] John)
Gallipoli: The Fading Vision.
NORTH (Roger)
The Punjab Frontier Force: A Brief Record of Their Services. 1846-1924.
NOVA SCOTIA: HUNT (Capt. M.S.) Comp.
Nova Scotia's Part in the Great War.
NOYES (Frederick W.)
Stretcher-Bearers... at the Double: History of the Fifth Canadian Field Ambulance which Served Overseas during the Great War of 1914-1918.
NUNN (Vice-Adml. Wilfred, CB, CSI, CMG, DSO)
Tigris Gunboats: A Narrative of the Royal Navy's Co-operation with the Military Forces in Mesopotamia from the Beginning of the War to the Capture of Baghdad (1914-17).

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