Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 26 July 2024

Precis of Information Concerning Somaliland. 1902. Part I. Provisional Issue. Compiled by the Intelligence Division, War Office. 1st Ed thus., vi+160pp., fldg. table (of seasons). Printed for HMSO by Harrison & Sons. 1903  #64164
[HLMainPic] Part I (here offered) contains "Description of the Country Generally" while Part II contained "Road & River Reports." This part includes: Geography of the interior & coast ("Detailed Description - Harbours & Ports" of British, French & Italian Somaliland); Towns & Villages; Communications; Climate & Health; Trade & Products; Inhabitants; History (including the Egyptian Occupation... Abyssinians in Somaliland... The Mullah... Expeditions in 1901...&c); Dockyards & Naval Establishments; Fortifications & Barracks; Land Forces; Strategy & Tactics (Fighting Qualities of the Somalis, &c.). Plus several appendices. Orig. brown printed wraps., chipped & worn, generally sound & rare (150 copies printed). See illustration on our website.   £350


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